Reconciling in Christ


Being a Reconciled in Christ (RIC) congregation helps us to live out our mission in several ways:

  • “Serving ALL humanity” means serving all people, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, size, language, economic status, education level, ability… all people. The Church-at-large has often been a place where queer persons have been excluded, but our commitment to serving and welcoming ALL explicitly includes those who identify as LGBTQIA+.
  • “Building Community” happens when we come together to offer radical welcome to all people, when we work together to educate around and celebrate diversity of sexuality and gender, and when we partner with others. As an RIC congregation, we are among 900+ congregations in the country (and Canada) who have made a strong commitment to the inclusion, affirmation, and welcome of LGBTQIA+ persons.
  • We “emulate Christ” by showing grace, kindness, and love to all people. And by working for justice, particularly for the outcast and marginalized.

What does “Reconciling In Christ” (RIC) mean?

•Advent is part of a national network of churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), through an organization called Reconciling Works, committed to the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons in worship, to racial equity, and to welcome for all.

•The Reconciling in Christ (RIC) program began in 1983 as a way in which Lutheran congregations, synods, organizations and schools could formally recognize and welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. Because of the commitments one makes to become RIC, LGBTQIA+ persons have the confidence to know which congregations, organizations, synods, and schools are welcoming, safe and affirming for them.

•Since 1991 the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA (of which Advent is a part) has identified itself as an RIC synod and made a commitment to working for “equality and full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in ELCA.” Currently, there are approximately 900+ Lutheran organizations (congregations, synods, colleges, etc.) committed to the values of RIC.

      •To learn more about the Reconciling in Christ program of Reconciling Works, 
       click here to go to their website. (


Advent’s RIC Ministry in Action

“At Advent, we don't want to just say 'All Are Welcome' - we want to mean it. We are journeying together as a congregation to truly create a space where people of all ages, races, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, gender expressions, life experiences, life complexities, and questions are free to worship and be themselves” says Advent Pastor, Alexis Twito.



Our congregation flies a Pride flag in the church’s Prayer Garden as a way to show the community that we are committed to the welcome of LGBTQIA+ persons. We have also held an educational series on what it means to be welcoming and provided resources on understanding important terminology and issues in the LGBTQIA+ community. Each June we host PRIDE ROCKS, an event for youth and families which encourages artful expressions of welcome throughout the community. Advent hopes to hold more educational opportunities in the future not just for the congregation but also for the community, creating a safe space to discuss what it means to advocate for and walk with the LGBTQIA+ community. 
